Friday, April 17, 2020

Massage Therapy at Minnesota Hospice

Ken Haglind is an experienced health care executive based in Lakeville, Minnesota. In 2016, Ken Haglind co-founded Minnesota Hospice and serves as the president of the organization, which focuses on providing exceptional end of life care. 

Minnesota Hospice provides patients and families with a depth of services, including integrated therapies such as massage therapy. Throughout a massage therapy session, a medical professional focuses on providing gentle, compassionate massage therapy designed to reduce fear, anxiety, and emotional distress, as well as physical ailments ranging from joint pain to nausea. Hospice trained professionals strive to maintain a welcoming, tranquil massage environment, a crucial factor in the therapy’s overall effectiveness and may introduce scented lotions and calming music into the session. 

Massage therapy sessions typically last between 30 minutes and one hour, depending on the patient’s physical condition. Indeed, the patient's well being is the primary focus of the session, with their satisfaction and comfort ranking as the massage professional's top priority. Minnesota Hospice provides several related integrated therapies, including healing touch and music therapy. To learn more about the quality of life services provided by Minnesota Hospice, please visit